We have been having a blast learning about the Letter B! I’ve been really excited to do a few days with ballet for her. I have been a preschool dance teacher for the past 15 years and really miss it lately. Lilly Belle is now taking dance class for the first time with someone else as her teacher so she was really excited when I told her we were going to dance together all day.

I put together these A-Z Alphabet Flashcards for her and for all of you to enjoy as well! I am including a free printable here and also links to YouTube videos so you can teach your child the ballet terminology and how to do each of the moves.


B is for BalletA-Z Ballet Flashcards.png

YouTube links to some of the ballet technique to work on with your child. Some of these do not need links as they are things most everyone would know. You can show your child the video and then practice together. Later on once your child knows all of the technique, you can show them a card and see if they can remember the skill that goes with that letter.

  • Arabesque
  • Battement
  • Coupe (just show your child where their foot goes – toes in front of ankle/low shin)
  • Degage
  • Echeppe
  • First Position
  • Gallop
  • Hop
  • Improvisation
  • Jump
  • Kick
  • Leap
  • Mirror (For this card, have your child copy your movements as if looking into a mirror – this is a fantastic listening activity!)
  • Nutcracker
  • Ouvert (means open – talk about different ways to make your child’s body open)
  • Plie
  • Pas de Quarte
  • Releve
  • Stretch
  • Turnout
  • Up
  • V Sit
  • Waltz
  • X Jump
  • Young (Talk about how to do ballet our bodies have to be flexible and healthy and that is easier when our bodies are young.)
  • Jazz

Lilly Belle has been playing with these all day! She is usually not very interested in learning her letters, so I’m really excited about these. I hope you and your little ones have fun with these too!

A is for Arabesque and Adorable
