The Summer of PLAY (2019)

Time is going way too fast and I need time to slow down a bit. My babies are getting so big so fast and I just want to soak up as much time as I can with them being little. We are going to spend this summer PLAYING school. We are going to play school. That’s...

2019 January – March Curriculum Picks

I shared our January Morning Basket yesterday which is a huge part of our school days together now. Once Lucy goes down for her nap (around 11:30am) we will begin our school time together, just Lilly Belle and I. Lucy usually naps for around an hour so we will do...

Our Christmastime Learning 2018

This is the best thing that has ever happened to our homeschool…ever. It is now 11:55am and Lucy is napping, but Lilly Belle is still doing school. She has been working and playing since 6:30am…with no breaks except to take a 10-minute tidy break. She had...

What We’re Reading: Thanksgiving Books 2018

I love teaching the girls through stories. At their ages, I feel this is the absolute best way to teach history to them. All. The. Books! We read a lot together every morning during Morning Basket and I read them at least 3 books each night during bath, then more for...