Homeschool with a Baby at Home

It has been so great to get back into the swing of things and start schooling at home again with Lilly Belle. We had a good 4 months of really not doing anything because everything was so crazy having a new baby in the house – a new baby with colic. Yikes! Now...

Choosing Homeschool

When I was pregnant with Lilly Belle, the tragedy in Newtown happened. It broke me. My heart hurts still for those families. When I was pregnant with Lulu, tragedy hitĀ here in Orlando and even moreĀ – I knew I wanted my babies close. I know I cannot live in...


Thank you so much for visiting our little space. I am Mommy to Lilly Belle and Lulu and this is my place to document our journey in raising them to be strong, confident and independent girls! The world we are living in right now is filled with opportunity and hope...