It starts with us. It starts at home. We are the change makers. You have a huge impact on this world. As a mom sometimes it doesn’t feel like we are making a difference, like we aren’t making an impact on the world around us, but that is not true. We are making all the difference. We have the power to fill the world with love. The more we love ourselves, the more we will love our family and more love our family feels from us, the more love they will give to those around them.

Choose love!


Mr. Rogers was the best. He taught us to love all of our neighbors and made us feel special. He reminded us that we are important! I found these Mr. Rogers quotes and couldn’t wait for Lilly Belle and Lucy to color and use them.

I’ve made 5 pages for you and your family to enjoy. Each page has a traceable Mr. Rogers quote and then some space on top for you and your littles to color together. My hope is that you and your littles can talk about each of the quotes and that you can spend quality time together sitting at the kitchen table coloring.


Mr. Rogers Quote & Color Printable
