Today was an exciting day! We haven’t been able to do Morning Basket in a few months and honestly, it’s thrown our days into such a weird funk. For our family, Morning Basket is such a great way to start the day. The kids wake up between 6:30-7:00am and we start Morning Basket immediately. I have it all set up on the table the night before so it’s all ready to go! The girls were so excited to see I had it ready for them this morning.

I got Lucy her yogurt and Lilly Belle her bowl of cereal and then we sat down for Morning Basket fun! Liam happily bounced around next to us in the MamaRoo this morning while Lucy kept handing him toy after toy.

Today lasted for about 20 minutes but it was so great. During the middle of our read aloud chapter book, Lucy started getting a bit antsy and Lilly Belle started asking questions between every sentence (which I allow if it has to do with the book). So I decided it was time for Morning Basket to be done for the day at that point. Lilly Belle groaned. Matt peeked over from where he was doing the dishes and said, “That was a great first day back, guys!”

I totally agree. I read the kids a Bible story while they painted from their Magic Painting Halloween books and then we played a game. After the game I read about 3 pages from our read aloud before they started getting antsy.

We have done Morning Basket with the girls since Lilly Belle had just turned 3 and Lucy was a tiny baby. Some mornings they will sit with me for up to an hour and a half because they’re so into it and I get so good at making it flow. 20 minutes for the first day back isn’t bad! I’m so excited and happy that this is part of our routine again.

Key to making it happen…I went to bed at 10pm last night instead of midnight. I woke up easily with the kids this morning instead of feeling like I was dying for the first hour of the day. It’s going to be a great day! Mama just needed some sleep. I’m bumping my bedtime to 10pm again instead of midnight. Less time to work, but I’ll just have to be more efficient during the day.

So what’s in the basket???


Bible: Jesus Storybook Bible

Poems: Halloween Poems and Songs

Story: Polly and Buster

Halloween Fun:

It’s going to be a really fun few months! Our October, November and December Morning Baskets are always our favorite! I wish it was this time of the year all year round.