We have now been doing preschool at home for almost 2 years with Lilly Belle and we definitely have our favorite supplies for school. I could give you a giant list with hundreds of resources, but instead today, I am going to give you our absolute must-haves. These are the things that we use almost everyday! It is incredibly basic. You don’t need much to be able to homeschool your little ones. Here is a list of items you could purchase to have preschool in your home for under $100! I will be blogging each week with preschool ideas for you to do with your little one using only these 20 supplies. These activities will need NO printer, NO ink, nothing crazy – the only things you will need are these 20 supplies! For a whole year of preschool! You can have your child ready for Kindergarten for less than $100. You’ll actually see below how you can do it for less than $20!

Preshool on a budget

When we were looking at preschools for our daughter, we saw how expensive preschools were and knew it was not an option. We were already planning on homeschooling her, but seeing the price of preschool was just one more reason to stick to our homeschool plan! We saw preschools ranging in price from $100-$150/month up to over $1,000/month.

Here in this blog series, I will save your family thousands of dollars! You don’t need to send your child to preschool for them to be prepared for Kindergarten and I will show you how. You are going to get to have tons of fun with your little one while making incredible memories together.

The Basics – The 20 Let’s Play School Preschool on a Budget Supplies!

*You do not have to have these exact brands. Any items will work. For things such as the stickers, as long as you have multiple colors it will work just fine.

  1. Fiskars Scissors
  2. Elmer’s Glue
  3. Glue Sticks
  4. Crayola Crayons
  5. Crayola Markers
  6. Clothespins
  7. Construction Paper
  8. Glitter Glue Pens
  9. #2 Pencils
  10. Dry Erase Board
  11. Expo Dry Erase Markers
  12. Highlighters
  13. Black or Blue Pen
  14. Plain White Printer Paper
  15. Crayola Washable Paint
  16. Watercolor Paint
  17. Paintbrushes
  18. Notebook
  19. Stickers
  20. Clear Tape

TOTAL = $98.65

Many of these items you may already have at home or you can find at the Dollar Store and get them for even less! At our local Dollar Tree here I can find all of these items which would make the school year just $20! They won’t be the name brand items, but that does not matter one bit. You can’t beat a year of preschool for $20!

Along with the list here, it will be helpful for you to have a library card so you can check out books I will be recommending. You will also need to be able to access YouTube as I will be sharing some videos from there as well.

Gather your supplies and get ready for a year of preschool fun! I will have the first activities post for you all this weekend! These activities can be done by children who have never done any preschool and also by children as a fun review. All of the activities will be very hands on and play based! I hope you like arts and crafts because about to get real crafty up in here 😉

What We Will Learn!

  • Colors
  • Shapes (Recognition and Drawing)
  • Counting to 20
  • Number Recognition 1-20
  • Letter Recognition (Upper and Lowercase)
  • Letter Sounds
  • Writing Numbers 1-20
  • Writing the Alphabet
  • First Name (Spelling & Writing)

In all, there will be 10 posts in this series; the first being this supply list and then each following post will have a plethora of activities for you and your child to do together so your child can learn the things listed above.

These activities will be geared towards children ages 3 and 4, but you can start teaching these things to your child as early as you would like.

I am really excited about this new series and hope you all enjoy it!

-Chelsea, Let’s Play School